Friday, March 1, 2024

 If you follow us on Facebook, you saw how the recent (ish) Splatterblood games gave us the chance to watch Level 0 characters grow and advance to Level 1, but advancing a PC doesn’t stop there. The rules for advancement in FAL have been revised in the 2nd Edition to be more straightforward and streamlined. PCs still gain experience points, or XP, as rewards for heroic deeds, good role-play, achieving a character goal, making the other players laugh through action, and more. XP gained automatically progresses PCs to the next level (this is the update and features a set scale of advancement as opposed to the previous do what you want approach), but there are also ways to spend XP to increase Stats, improve Boons, and other options. 

To be honest, I was never totally satisfied with the explanations and mechanics of this in the 1st Edition. Far Away Land is not the only game to use a dual-XP system (automatic gains and purchased gains), but there are a lot of different ways to do it, and if the explanation isn’t clear, it can be confusing to GMs and players alike. With the 2nd Edition, the language around the FAL system for XP has been revised and, I think, much improved, making it clearer and easier to understand.

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 Just a quick update to let you know that surveys have been sent as of this morning. Also, the proofs of the physical books have arrived an...