About SCG

you can contact Simian Circle Games at simiancirclegames at gmail dot com

A note from Simian Circle Games owner Dirk Stanley

My name is Dirk Stanley and I am the founder and owner of Simian Circle Games. I am a small gaming company composed of only myself. The mechanics, writing, layout, and artwork (at least the majority of the artwork) you will see in our products is done by me. My goal as a creator is to bridge my love for writing, art, and gaming into a single thing. This company started off in 2014 with Far Away Land and over the years I have continued to make new games and expand the Far Away Land universe. It is my intention to create games that allow me to explore new avenues of creativity, worldbuilding, and a path of reflection on my current interests in game mechanics and play as well as writing and art. While Far Away Land is my flagship product and a lifelong project, other gaming interest arise from time to time and drive my creativity and attention. In the end however, I always find myself returning to Far Away Land. 

I try my best to make my games accessible and affordable. If you find that you are unable to acquire my games due to financial hardship, you can email me and let me know that you would like a digital copy and I am happy to provide that.

I hope you find the content I produce interesting and inspirational on some level. Most of all, I hope you enjoy playing these games, reading these books, and immersing yourself in new worlds of discovery.

Dirk Stanley July 2022

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