Thursday, March 21, 2024


In the 2nd Edition Core Rules there are a total of 72 reagents that have been included. Each entry has a physical description, magical properties, and its magical use. This comprehensive reagent list is in addition to a plant creation system that allows for the creation of custom reagents, herbs, plants, poisons, etc. I thought it would be cool to further define the world of Far Away Land down to the very plants and magical components. It feels immersive to me, something lived in and that is what I want FAL to feel like, a lived world. Also, I want players and GMs to have the tools to make cool stuff with very little effort. As such, there are quite a few analog generators for content included in the book. In an upcoming post I will be talking about some digital generators that will be available with the Kickstarter this summer!

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 Just a quick update to let you know that surveys have been sent as of this morning. Also, the proofs of the physical books have arrived an...