So, I’ve been a bit quiet and a bit detached these last few weeks as my dad died in early April. We were close and had a good relationship and I miss him a great deal. Even as I write this I am overcome with emotion. But this post isn't about loss but rather inspiration.
I have drawn and painted and made things my whole life and I attribute so much of this to my dad and his influence on me. When I was a kid we used to draw together from his art books. He showed me perspective and how to sketch and mix colors. He showed me how to draw people and pay attention to anatomy. He had this collection of beautiful books featuring art museums around the world and he and I would draw and sketch those paintings. I was fascinated by Heironymous Bosch and I loved hearing my dad talk about how weird his works were. Sometimes we would draw outside. Sometimes we would draw still lifes. At that time, I thought I was just playing and making stuff, but now I look back and I love that I had a dad who cared and spent time with me. He always encouraged me and he never put me down. He never made me feel like what I pursued wasn’t worth pursuing and he supported me from the time I was a kid even into my adult years. When he and my mom would visit I would show him what I was working on. I would tell him about some story or some monster or character I made up. I was excited to do this because he seemed excited to hear it and see it.
When we lose people we have regrets and we think about what we could have said and could have done differently. At least I do. There are things I wish I would have told my dad before he died. There are a lot of things I would tell him now if I could. I know I can’t so I’m writing this post because it helps me in some way I guess. This is where I am.
I’m very fortunate to have parents who loved me and encouraged me and inspired me. I had 46 years with my dad and I am grateful for the time we got to spend together.
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