Well, it seems Im not so great keeping a change log as I dive into the revision and editing and often forget to keep notes. But, here is where things stand as of work these last few days (some of this may be repeated from earlier logs or have undergone further revision)...
- Constructonomicon revision - crafting golems and clockworks (changed from mechanix) has been greatly simplified - less maths
- Crafting mechanix type constructs uses the Tech Boon instead of Crafty
- Magic and Abilities chapters have an overview on spell and ability creation along with examples
- Advancement change - Ability upgrades are purchasable with XP (cant remember if I already listed this and too lazy to recheck)
- Settlement builder revised and expanded to include settlement descriptor lists
- Castle Builder included
- Character Grinders and Deadly Games have been updated
- Mass Combat greatly revised and simplified - no more charts and ridiculous maths - what was once a huge chapter is now just a couple pages
- 30 magic items have been added along with multiple lists for magic item generation
- All lists now use d6s in some form
- Level 0 PC builder has been revised
- Necronomicon included
- Travel revised and simplified
- All Encounter lists have been revised and included
Whats next?
- Sea combat, ship building, crews and all that good stuff - Im happy with these rules and have no plans to make in-depth revisions
- Level 0 Character Sheets will be included (for multiples on a single page)
- Scouring Adventure Awesome for items to include