Thursday, August 8, 2024


Now that we’ve launched the Kicsktarter (link below), I wanted to show off the actual physical books. For the first image we have the Core Rules, the cover of which features an Orka with a bloodied sword in the Abyssmalsphere surrounded by fellow adventurers and demons. The inspiration for this image (I may have mentioned this before) was from the black and white “A Paladin in Hell” by David Sutherland III in the D&D Player’s Handbook from back in the day. That was always a favorite illustration of mine and this cover was directly inspired by that work. 

Another reason to show off the book is to give backers confidence in the KS project. What you see here is what you will get when you back at the $45 level.

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  Latest update on where things stand with the recent Kickstarter project: Funds have been transferred. Proofs were ordered as of a couple ...