Sunday, August 11, 2024

I kind of can’t believe that in less than one week, the Far Away Land 2nd Ed. Kickstarter has already reached its third stretch goal. Thank you all!! We crossed that milestone this weekend and I couldn’t be happier because I was really hoping the project would reach this level. Not just because it’s exciting to see the project do well, but because $6000 in total backing unlocks png files for all of the hexmap icons used in the maps for the Book of Lore. This is a total of more than 400+ map icons that GMs and players can use to make their own maps for custom gameplay experience. And I have to say, the idea of all these new detailed locations being cooked up using the same icons as in the official books makes me very happy.

Maybe one day I’ll get to see what everyone has created. If you haven’t checked us out yet, please do!


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  Latest update on where things stand with the recent Kickstarter project: Funds have been transferred. Proofs were ordered as of a couple ...